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The problem in marriage is after awhile needs start going unmet and feelings get hurt.

These things often aren't handled well, leading to resentment. 

Unresolved resentment further breaks down the relationship, leading to disconnection and eventually hopelessness. 

I know what this feels like because my marriage used to be the same.

I used to be filled with resentment and hopelessness!

Thankfully, my wife and I learned to work through our resentments and fall back in love and now I've helped thousands of couples do the same. 

The resources I've developed below are designed to help you and your partner heal your resentments and fall back in love too.

Learn more about me here!

Tier One Resources

Dr. Wyatt Show Podcast 


Start listening to the Dr. Wyatt Show podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. The podcast is a great way to receive free encouragement and tips for your marriage. 




My blog is full of articles covering a wide array of topics. Take your time browsing through and dig into the ones that sound most helpful for you and your partner. 


Tier Two Resources


Marriage Boot Camp


My Marriage Boot Camp is an affordable resource for couples to rebuild their marriage at their own pace. It incudes access to my best resources plus live teaching and Q & A with me each week.


Keep the Glow (KtG) App

My Keep the Glow app is highly recommended for couples who want to improve their communication for more love and less conflicts. It's available wherever you get your apps.


My Total Marriage Refresh book covers the top 6 steps to marital satisfaction. Think of it as your marriage manual.  

Marriage Retreat

My Total Marriage Refresh conference covers the same material as my book but in a live format. It's an engaging one day event to give your marriage undivided attention.

Relationship Coaching

With my busy schedule, I'm only able to see 12 couples a week for marriage counseling so my practice is often full. Therefore, I've trained an amazing group of master coaches who follow all my methods to help couples heal resentments and fall back in love. This is for couples wanting individualized support to get their marriage back on track.


Tier Three Resources


ER Marriage Class


This is my most comprehensive resource for couples who want to save their marriage. It's the best of all my resources combined, including 18 hours of live teaching with me combined with 8 coaching sessions. This course will turn your marriage around in 90 days!


FRCA Coach Certification


Last but not least, I provide a certification training for those interested in becoming a relationship coach. This 90 day program will prepare you on everything you need to launch your own successful coaching practice to help couples. If you want to join my mission in reducing the divorce rate this is the program for you. 

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